Monday 26 April 2010

Trades 26/April/2010

IR (gap up)

First candle not ideal, but subsequent trend up ema looked promising. The 6th is a NR7 OR breakout closing strong with whole number support. This is our long trigger. Closed at +1R.

------------- Daily Stats --------------------


Kat Bay said...

I dropped that one off the watch list after completion of the first candle. Probably still would again. Can't argue with winner though. Well done!

lionel319 said...

Hi Am,

I hope u don't mind me bugging you again.
I tried my luck on EXP again last nite, on a 5min chart.

the 12th candle is a NR7 hammer candle, and was my trigger bar.

but price didn't break above it, so i dropped the trade.

say, if price did break above the 12th bar, would this be the kind of chart that you'll be trading?

TraderAm said...

swing2freedom > I don't trade 5min charts. There was no setup on the 15min timeframe.